School-to-work transition and termination of apprenticeship contracts in two-year VET programmes and INSOS practical training courses

School-to-work transition and termination of apprenticeship contracts in two-year VET programmes and INSOS practical training courses

Rido / Fotolia

Over a period of three years, researchers tracked the progress of young people enrolled in two-year VET programmes or in practical training programmes provided by social institutions that are members of INSOS (national association of institutions providing services for persons with a handicap). Although the reported high levels of satisfaction indicate that both types of programmes are suited to the learners in question, analysis of termination of apprenticeship contracts paints a different picture. In many cases, contract terminations are often related to a perceived lack of choice in vocational orientation and health problems. Another source of concern is the large number of young people who do not find an alternative solution after obtaining their qualification or terminating their apprenticeship. These mixed results open the way for possible corrective action to be taken.