Review process within the VPET system

Every five years, upper-secondary level VET programmes are subject to review and possible revision. You require assistance with this process or perhaps wish to determine whether tertiary-level professional qualifications in your area of economic activity are still relevant today. You may also wish to know whether training meets quality standards. We can answer your questions and provide you with an individualised offer matching your specific needs.


We plan the entire review process with you, prepare the list of questions and survey design, organise large group meetings or workshops and prepare a report presenting the results. You will also receive recommendations on how to adapt the given professional activity and associated vocational or professional qualifications.

Our services:

5-year review of VET programmes

Every five years, VET programmes are subject to review and possible revision to determine whether training matches current work requirements and meets quality standards. We consult with you on the most suitable procedure for your needs, prepare a list of questions and consider the target audience. The review and revision process may take place either in a large group setting with VET professionals from vocational schools, host companies and branch training centres or it may take the form of an online survey among professionals working in the given occupational field. If necessary, we can also organise targeted workshops on specific topics. We then present the results in a report. You will also receive recommendations on proposed action steps to be taken.

Your benefits:

  • Interaction with fellow professionals and, if a large meeting is organised, opportunities for greater cooperation between learning locations (vocational schools, host companies and branch training centres)
  • Involvement of all stakeholders if an online survey is used
  • targeted discussion of specific topics and concrete optimisation proposals if thematic workshops are organised
  • Report presenting the results along with proposed action steps and specific recommendations on how to future-proof the given occupation
  • Well-founded and broadly supported basis for decision-making on possible revision

Our services:

  • Planning the overall process
  • Advice on the various questions to be asked
  • Organisation of meeting to exchange experiences, implementation and analysis of online survey and/or organisation of workshops
  • Preparation of a report presenting results together with proposed measures and recommendations
  • Presentation of results and suggestions on how the VET programme(s) may be improved
Review of core syllabus for study programmes at professional education institutions

By reviewing the core syllabus, you lay the foundation for any necessary adjustments. You become aware of the viewpoints of the various actors regarding the relevance and quality of the core syllabus. We work with you to plan the overall process, advise you on the choice of method and take note of the results.

Your benefits:

  • In-depth review of the core syllabus
  • Well-supported assessment of the current situation from the perspective of training providers, host companies, students and graduates as well as the professional organisation concerned
  • Clarity regarding the need for action and adaptation

Our services:

  • Advice on how to plan the overall process
  • Advice on the choice of method, the questions to be asked and selection of participants
  • Creating tools for the chosen method
  • Conducting the survey
  • Organising meetings and workshops
  • Drafting a report presenting the results along with commentary
  • Advice to professional organisations on how the core syllabus may be improved
Review of study programmes at professional education institutions

Your professional education institution offers one or more study programmes and you wish to verify their relevance, quality and practical orientation. You are interested in hearing the viewpoints of the various players and would like to adapt your study programmes accordingly. We will plan the overall process with you, advise you on the choice of method and take note of the results.

Your benefits:

  • Well-founded review of the study programme
  • Well-supported assessment from the perspective of teachers, host companies, students and graduates as well as professional organisations
  • Analysis of the study programme to ensure that students acquire professional competences that are relevant to the labour market
  • Clarity regarding the need for action and adaptation

Our services:

  • Advice on how to plan the overall process
  • Advice on the choice of method, the questions to be asked and selection of participants
  • Creating tools for the chosen method
  • Conducting the survey
  • Organising possible meetings and workshops
  • Drafting a report presenting the results along with commentary
  • Advice to professional organisations on how the study programme(s) may be improved
Analysis of federal examinations for professional qualifications

You would like to know whether a given federal examination is still relevant, whether examination tasks verify acquisition of the required professional competences and/or whether the approach to assessment and grading is suitable. We advise you on the design and implementation of federal examinations and make recommendations on how to optimise them.

Your benefits:

  • In-depth analysis of the quality of your federal examination
  • Inclusion of the viewpoints of all relevant actors
  • Recommendations on how the federal examinations may be improved

Our services:

  • Clarification of the mandate and planning of the overall process
  • Observation and analysis of examination tasks according to specified criteria
  • Carrying out surveys
  • Organising workshops
  • Drafting a report presenting the results along with commentary
  • Advice to sponsors on how the federal examination(s) may be improved