
Pedagogical advice and guidance for ‘individual competence certificates’ project of the Swiss Conference of VET offices (SBBK)

Two-year programmes for the Federal VET Certificate are intended to provide underachieving young people with the opportunity to obtain an upper-secondary level vocational qualification.

Rido / Fotolia

Nevertheless, some learners still encounter difficulties completing their two years of training. The introduction of individual competence certificates is an attempt to provide these learners with a document that certifies the professional competences that they have acquired thus far, even if the requirements for issuance of a formal vocational qualification have not been met. All learners who fail to pass the final examination are entitled to receive individual competence certificates. In addition, these certificates can also be issued to young people and adults who lack the prerequisites needed to pursue formal training. This research project is intended to produce a binding format for individual competence certificates and then test their use in three pilot branches (office work, carpentry and logistics).


Project management consulting; participation in meetings of working groups and steering committees; organisation of workshops with apprenticeship trainers to find branch-specific solutions; provision of training for stakeholders; evaluation and documentation of the pilot phase.