
The evolution of vocational teachers’ beliefs and practices related to classroom management during teacher training

The aim of this thesis is to observe how teacher education affects the evolution of vocational teachers’ beliefs and practices related to classroom management.

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Associations between these variables as well as the factors contributing to change (or lack thereof) will also be analysed. This thesis will focus on the subject of classroom management. Among other things, the general pedagogical beliefs of VET teachers, their personal sense of efficacy, their motivation to manage the classroom, as well as their motivation to become a teacher will be observed.


Supervisor of the dissertation:

  • Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Berger

This thesis involves two studies: a quantitative longitudinal study (questionnaires) conducted for the purpose of examining changes in VET teachers’ beliefs and practices related to classroom management, as well as for the purpose of identifying the factors influencing these changes; and a qualitative study (semi-structured interviews) conducted for the purpose of analysing the discourse of VET teachers on these same topics. The thesis is based on a combined longitudinal and transversal research design. Together, these two studies will shed light on VET teacher thoughts regarding classroom management.
