
PEIRA – Recognition And Development of Vocational Education and Training Competencies . UE  - Education an Culture DG – Lifelong Learning programme 2007 - 2013 - Leonardo da Vinci 2010 - Transfer of innovation

SFIVET to Partner in European Project for Recognition and Validation of Prior Learning for Vocational Trainers.

Rido / Fotolia

The EU Leonardo PEIRA project – for Recognition and Development of Vocational Education and Training Competencies – recently approved in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme, aims at the transfer of innovations in the recognition and validation of prior learning [RPL] for VET trainers in Italy and the Baltic States, based on experience in the UK, France and Switzerland.

In Italy, the structure of training for VET teachers remains incomplete with regard to the European Qualification Framework [EQF] and implementation of the European Guidelines on the Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning. EU Leonardo PEIRA project should serve to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of VET training in Italy and to develop an appropriate model of RPL for VET Trainers in the Lombardy and Lazio regions. Expected outcomes are the implementation of an EU-compatible approach to RPL for VET trainers, as well as improved quality for the VET systems in Italy and other participating countries. Intangible outcomes will be a strengthening of mutual learning between countries, covering a wide range of stages of development of RPL systems and promoting greater solidarity to support the development of the European labour market.


SFIVET’s involvement in the project, beyond participating in the exchange of practices in the given field, will mainly be to contribute its expertise and advice on:

  1. the development of RPL practices and procedures
  2. the development of qualifications profiles for vocational trainers
  3. the training of experts in the RPL field.