Jörg Neumann

Neumann Jörg

Jörg Neumann obtained his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees at the University of Leipzig. He has been working as a scientific advisor for SFUVET since mid- 2015. His interests and specialisation lie in the analysis of structures and quantitative empirical methods. He is currently working on the theme of training outcomes in VET programmes.

Work experience
  • Seit 2016: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Schweizer Observatorium für Berufsbildung/Forschung und Entwicklung EHB
  • 2015: Wissenschaftliches Praktikum (100%) Forschung und Entwicklung EHB
  • 2013- 2014: Tutor für multivariate Analyseverfahren am Lehrstuhl Soziologie und Methodenlehre Prof. Dr. Roger Berger, Universität Leipzig
  • 2011- 2012: Studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Sozialstrukturanalyse Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider, Universität Leipzig
  • 2012: Praktikum beim Amt für Statistik und Wahlen der Stadt Leipzig
  • 2010: Praktikum im Medienbüro „comstrat“
  • 2011- 2015: Studium Master of Arts Soziologie, Universität Leipzig
  • 2012- 2013: Erasmus-Studienaufenthalt Universität Bern
  • 2008- 2011: Studium Bachelor of Arts Soziologe, Universität Leipzig
  • 2007: Abitur Humboldt-Gymnasium, Leipzig
Area of expertise
  • Sozialstrukturanalyse
  • Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung
Nursing qualifications
Launched on behalf of OdASanté, this project involved the use of several different methodologies to provide a consolidated understanding of future requirements in the area of comprehensive n... More information
Trend monitoring
The Swiss Observatory for Vocational Education and Training OBS SFUVET monitors and analyses developments and trends affecting vocational education and training and identifies innovation pot... More information
Career path study in social care
The social care field also faces the problem of shortages of skilled workers. The umbrella organisation for Swiss social care SAVOIRSOCIAL takes targeted action to address these shortages. More information
Transfer into practice